

The first clocks created by humans were called sundials. They were first made around 6,000 years ago.
What kind of clocks were they?
People would stand a tall pole in the ground, and tell the time using the position of the shadow cast by the sun! Sundials were first invented in Egypt.
Egypt is located in the northern hemisphere. Because the movement of shadows cast by sundials was from right to left, the hands on today’s clocks are made to move round right-handed, too! We call this direction “clockwise.”

History of Timepieces

Go back to the beginning

  • Sundials
  • Water clocks
  • Hourglasses
  • Combustion Clocks
  • The First Mechanical Clocks
  • Pendulum Clocks
  • Portable Mechanical Clocks & Watches
  • Quartz Clocks & Watches