
The Sun and the Earth Earth’s Rotation and Revolution

Earth’s Rotation
The Earth rotates once around its axis (an imaginary line that joins the North and South poles) every day. This is called the Earth’s rotation. When a place on the Earth’s surface comes to directly face the Sun, it is said to be noon at that location. Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted at an angle, as shown in the picture.
Earth’s Revolution
The Earth travels around the Sun once over the course of a year, while at the same time rotating on its axis. As it travels around the Sun, the Earth traces an elliptical path. This path is called the Earth’s revolution. As it revolves the Sun, the Earth stays tilted at an angle. I had no idea that the earth was tilting as it rotated!

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  • The Sun and the Earth:Earth’s Rotation and Revolution
  • The Sun and the Earth:Summer and Winter Solstices
  • The Sun and the Earth:Latitude and Longitude
  • Sundials